4 Tips To Keep Your Carpet Clean This Spring
With winter finally on its way out, and spring just over the horizon, the time of spring cleaning is almost upon us. However, just because spring is the season for cleaning, it doesn’t mean that it will make it easy to do so, particularly when it comes to your carpets. It can be quite difficult to keep your carpets looking clean during the springtime, what with kids and pets spending more of their time running between inside and outside, trailing in mud, sand, and a host of other things on their feet. However, our team of carpet cleaning professionals have taken the time to put together a short list of four things you can do this spring to keep your carpets looking healthy and clean, and alleviating some of those housekeeping headaches.
Invest In Entry Mats
A sturdy entry mat for your home can be a wonderful investment. This might seems like a fairly obvious point, but there are a number of homeowners out there that don’t make use of them, and their carpets tend to pay the price. A good mat will help to catch all of the soil and sand that would otherwise find its way into your actual carpeting. It isn’t something we tend to give a lot of thought to, but that dirt that gets tracked into our homes actually consists of a mixture of pollen, lead, coal tar, pesticides, and a number of other toxins that can get trapped inside your carpet fibers, and either thrown back up into the air or driven down deeper as it gets walked on. These mats can be particularly helpful if you have small children in the home who spend most of their time at floor level to begin with.
Remove Shoes Before Entering Your Home
Removing your shoes before you enter your home, and having guests do the same is a great way to significantly reduce the amount of what gets tracked inside. In a number of countries, particularly in Europe and Asia, this is standard practice, and most homeowners will provide guests with a convenient place to place their shoes upon entering so they don’t have to leave them strewn about on the carpet. Even if the entryway of your home has hard flooring, the dirt that gets tracked onto that area will eventually find its way to your carpeted areas and onto your furniture.
Vacuum Weekly
Taking the time to vacuum your carpeted areas at least weekly will help prevent any loose soil from sinking down and becoming trapped in the fibers of your carpet, prolonging the life of your carpets, preventing damage to its fibers, and helping to prevent dust mites and other microscopic pests from setting up home inside your carpets. Taking the time out of each week to vacuum your carpets is one of the best ways to ensure that your carpets will be able to remain healthy and stay looking great for many years to come.
Have Your Carpets Cleaned By A Professional
Last, but certainly not least, after winter finally passes, it is usually in your best interests to have a professional cleaning service come out and give your carpets an in-depth cleaning. In addition to removing any stains, and getting rid of particles that might have become trapped in your carpet over time, it is one of the best ways to freshen up your home, and get rid of that stagnant winter air that has been cycling through your house for the past couple months. Contact your New Jersey carpet flooring specialists today for more information.